
Isn't it true that all of us are "Walking It Out" day by day with the Lord? We are in this journey together—perhaps in different stages and circumstances, but certainly not alone. Let us help each other by lifting one another up and being encouraged to continue on this marvelous journey. In the end, this journey will lead us to the face of God.

"Walking It Out" is a Sunday school class offered at Praise Assembly in Springfield, Missouri, and taught by Doug and Nancy Thomas. We are glad you came to visit us here at this site and hope that you find something helpful in your own faith as you are "Walking It Out."

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fellowship Day

Our fellowship time was lots of fun. It was great to have the time to get to know others on a more personal level. Thanks, Nancy, for all your hard work to make it happen!

And thanks to all who provided food. Especially Gordon, for the biscuits and gravy.