
Isn't it true that all of us are "Walking It Out" day by day with the Lord? We are in this journey together—perhaps in different stages and circumstances, but certainly not alone. Let us help each other by lifting one another up and being encouraged to continue on this marvelous journey. In the end, this journey will lead us to the face of God.

"Walking It Out" is a Sunday school class offered at Praise Assembly in Springfield, Missouri, and taught by Doug and Nancy Thomas. We are glad you came to visit us here at this site and hope that you find something helpful in your own faith as you are "Walking It Out."

Monday, June 8, 2009

Congratulations, Steve & Theresa!

Look who eloped! Steve Myers and Theresa Cappadona are now officially Mr. & Mrs. Steve and Theresa Myers. It looks like it was a beautiful ceremony. We're so happy for them, and pray that God will bless them.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


  • The canoe trip was a great success! Everyone had a great time of fun and fellowship together. Thanks to Jason and Susan and everyone else who helped plan this and put it together.
  • Our Sunday School fellowship day was another great success. We'll plan to do this on a regular basis, every few months.
  • COMING UP: FOURTH OF JULY. We've all been invited to Richard and Amy's house on the Fourth of July. Bring a dish to pass and your own chair, and some fireworks if you want. Richard and Amie will provide the barbecue.

Imitators of God, part 2

The injunction to "be imitators of God" (Eph. 5:1) falls right on the heels of "be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you" (Eph. 4:32).

This is an incredible command, when you think about it. We are to forgive others in the same way that Christ has forgiven us. In Matthew 6:14-15, we read Jesus' own words about forgiveness: "If you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."

Sometimes you might be deeply hurt or wronged by others and it's hard to forgive. In those times, you need to allow the Holy Spirit to work in your heart and get you to a place where you can find forgiveness. There's a deep cleansing that takes place in your own soul when that happens.

Are you struggling with forgiving someone? Allow the Holy Spirit in. Let Him touch that part of you.