"Walking It Out" is a Sunday school class offered at Praise Assembly in Springfield, Missouri, and taught by Doug and Nancy Thomas. We are glad you came to visit us here at this site and hope that you find something helpful in your own faith as you are "Walking It Out."
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Merlyn and Sharon Macklin's 50th Anniversary
Please check out the web link below for all the details and information. Also, feel free to call me if you have any questions - 757.652.1380. We are hoping to see everyone there! God bless you and Merry Christmas!
Marilyn Macklin
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Also, we have adopted Mary Ripperton's family as a class. Mary has Lou Gehrig's disease and is confined to a wheelchair. Come next week prepared to give to help the family out at Christmastime.
Prayer Requests
- (Lisa Pery) My friend Kay had a lump removed. Pray the test comes back benign. Also strength for her and wisdom for her doctors.
- (Lynn Sing) I ask that you pray that my court hearings this week go well and for all the people addicted to drugs find help and God.
- (Adam Frost) I was at an outreach program yesterday and a gentleman was asking for prayer for his 6-year-old granddaughter who has been diagnosed with cancer throughout her body. Her name is Esther. Please pray for this poor child to receive the miracle of Christ's healing.
- (Jeff Williams) I need prayer for a full-time job and prayer for my little girl Chey Williams. She is 16 years old and just came out of her fourth inpatient drug rehab. Her mother Dana Williams is still using and is a huge trigger for my daughter. Keep both of them in your prayers.
- (Liz Ridecouth) Depression, battling with it, not winning.
- (Theresa Myers) Please pray for Mark Highton to return to the Lord and follow His way.
- (Theresa Myers) For Michael Wright to seek the face of the Lord.
- (Theresa Myers) For Shawn Myers, Lindsay Myers, and Tina Tyson to seek the face of the Lord.
- (Theresa Myers) Continued prayer for Frank and Leora Abbott, dealing with Frank's Alzheimers.
- (Theresa Myers) Continued prayer for Richard and Susan Weiss for salvation.
- (Theresa Myers) Continued prayer for Ricky Cappadona to seek the Lord as he goes through complications after cancer treatment.
- (Theresa Myers) Please continue to pray for Steve and me: to grow closer and stronger together in Christ Jesus.
- (Raven) I need prayer for my father Jake. He is lost in his addiction and needs prayer for reason and understanding of the Lord.
- (Ryan Dougherty) I need prayer for God to bless me with a full-time job and to bless me with a working vehicle. Also to help my ex-wife and children to make it through the holidays ok.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Afterward, enjoy the choir's Christmas presentation: "Old Time Christmas."
(There is no 8:30 a.m. service this day.)
Prayer Requests
- (Raven) I need prayer for my father. He is far in his addiction and desperately needs prayer. I am scared he is losing himself.
- (Carl Riggs) I quit smoking after 19 years. I need prayer for strength and for my family.
- (Ray Anderson) Pray for my friend James, who is getting baptized today, that he may keep Jesus in his heart. And for me--about to go do time cause I've been on the run for quite some time. And for my family so they may be safe through Jesus Christ, the light of the world. Thank you.
- (Theresa Myers) Continued prayer for Ricky Cappadona--complications from cancer treatment and for a spiritual awakening.
- (Theresa Myers) Continued prayer for Mark Highton to return to the Lord's way and to return to church.
- (Theresa Myers) Continued prayer for Michael Wright Jr. to open his heart to see the way of the Lord.
- (Theresa Myers) Pray for Linsay, Tina, and Shawn Myers and their families to be shaken and find their way to the Lord.
- (Theresa Myers) Continued prayer that God continues to remove obsession for cigarettes from me and my husband, Steve. We are doing very well, but we need to do better.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Urgent Prayer Request
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Fighting the Battle
If you try to battle sin with human strength and human logic, you will fail. But it won't be God's fault! It wasn't that God abandoned you...it was because you abandoned what He has given you. He has provided spiritual tools for a spiritual battle, yet you chose earthly tools.
Think of it this way... You can't fix a diesel engine with a jeweler's tiny screwdriver.
So pick up God's tools He's given you the armor (described in Ephesians 6) and He's given you the strength. Once you put on the full armor of God, you will be strong, and you can win!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Be Strong
Be strong in "His mighty power." There is no place for weak, insipid, soft Christianity. We can tap into the source of strength: God's mighty power.
Leave your own strength behind so you can put on His. You can't be strong in the Lord and in yourself at the same time. To be strong in the Lord is to be weak in yourself. He is all-sufficient.
Prayer Requests
- (Lisa Adams) Please pray for my uncle Bob in Wisconsin. We lost Aunt Alice this last week. He needs strength to mourn and make lots of big decisions these next few weeks.
- (Debbie Prewitt) Pray for my grandson Tristan (12). He may have the swine flu. Also pray about my check, which was $140 short. Pray that it gets fixed.
- (Lisa Adams) I still need prayer on my ear. I have problems with pressure pain off and on, and I still get dizzy. I go in to the specialist on the 27th. I hope it's gone by then.
- (Sharon Macklin) Continue to pray for my sister, Gloria Makey. The bad sore on her tongue is not getting better. Unless Jesus heals her, the doctors will have to cut off part of her tongue. I believe for Jesus to completely heal her.
- (Theresa Myers) Pray for salvation for Steve and my children, Michael, Mark, Shawn, Tina, and Lindsay, that they will seek the Lord.
- (Theresa Myers) Pray for Frank and Leora Abbot. He has been put into a nursing home. He has Alzhiemers, the violent type, and has beaten my grandmother after 60 years together. He had never laid a hand on her before. Her heart is broken. Pray for her to seek the Lord.
- (Theresa Myers) Pray for my nephew Jerad. He is going to go to prison for a crime two years ago that he did not commit but was with the person who did it. That other person is not going to be punished at all. I pray Jerad finds God through this experience.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
There are many do's and dont's in a Christian's walk of life. "Being" is different. It's who you are. It's a matter of your inner state...your spiritual state.
Ephesians 4:22-24 tells us to take off the old self and put on the new. The new self is "created like God in true righteousness." This is part of that state of "being." We are new. We are to be strong.
Prayer Requests
- Brent Darr: Pray that I get more hours at my job. It's a contract cleaning business, and they lost a contract. I'm down to 8 hours a week. Pray for another building to open or another job entirely.
- Lisa Adams: I would like prayer for strength in my Christian life and guidance. I'm not sure what God's plan for me is yet, but I am there whatever it is. I need grace also from God to help me through trials.
- Theresa Myers: Pray for Ricky Cappadona, for God's will to be done. He still has no answers regarding his last pet scan.
- Theresa Myers: Continue to pray for my grandparents, Frank & Leora, that things will go well at home with his dementia.
- Theresa Myers: Please pray for my mom, Susan Weiss, that she will realize the need to seek the Lord and seek help for depression and anxiety.
- Sharon Macklin: Please pray for my sister Gloria Makey. She has a bad sore on her tongue that could be cancer. The doctor may have to remove part of her tongue. It is very painful. Pray that God is able to completely heal with no surgery.
- Tom: Pray that Zander's dad does what's best for him and has the strength to make it through the obstacles ahead.
- Pray for Mike Laughlin, whose 16-year-old son was killed in a car accident.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
His Ways Are Higher
(33) Teach me, O Lord, to follow your decrees, then I will keep them to the end.
(34) Give me understanding, and I will keep your law and obey it with all my heart.
(36) Turn my heart toward your statutes and not toward selfish gain.
(57) You are my portion, O Lord; I have promised to obey your words.
Take note that in these verses we are exhorted to keep to God's ways. That means changing our ways to fit His, not the other way around.
When God says something that seems impossible (as in Ephesians 5:22,26), you must choose. Who is more apt to be right, you or God? You may not like what He says, or you may not think it's fair, but trust Him and submit to His ways. As the psalmist says: keep His law and obey it with all your heart.
Prayer Requests
- Raven: I need prayer for my sister. I haven't seen her in a long time and her birthday is this Friday. I hope she has a glorious day and I pray she finds the Lord.
- Unknown: For God to keep healing me so that I can continue my prison ministry.
- Unknown: Giving thanks for prayers answered.
- Unknown: Please pray for Carol that her unstable legal position becomes stable. That she is allowed to stay where she's at.
- Mary Mast: Pray for my niece Jackie Neilly, who lives in Ohio. Just got married, pregnant, and lost everything in a fire. Needs help getting everything.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Fellowship Day
And thanks to all who provided food. Especially Gordon, for the biscuits and gravy.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Praise and Prayers
- James gives praise to God. He's been waiting a long, long time to enter Teen Challenge, and he finally got the call. Keep him in your prayers as he goes through this growth time.
- Debbie's coworker's grandson was sick for a week before the doctors diagnosed him with gangrene in his leg. This could have spelled the end of that leg, and maybe even of his life. But praise God, prayers went up and now the doctors say there is no gangrene.
- Sue Hickman praises God for safe travels for Bill, who drove to New York to visit his 85-year-old mother. Keep him in your prayers this week, for none of his relatives know the Lord. Also pray for his safe return.
- Remember Gloria's son Craig in prayer.
- Theresa's car engine blew up after she put over $800 into it. Pray that she finds an inexpensive, running vehicle.
- Ruth is a lady who had visited our class once. Now she has been diagnosed with cancer, which seems to be everywhere in her body but primarily in her brain. She is also diabetic and currently has a high blood sugar level. The doctors are trying to build her up nutritionally before beginning chemo. Keep her in your prayers.
- Pray for Janette, a 3-year-old who was diagnosed with leukemia.
Trust God!
Don't give God any "Yeah, but..."s. That's what Abraham and Sarah did when God promised He would give them a son. "Yeah, but we're too old." Trust God and take Him at His word! There will come a testing of your faith, as with Abraham. Old Abe waited 25 years from the time that God first gave him the promise to the time when Isaac was born. Keep holding on to that promise that God has given you. Don't give up! Believe that God will keep His word given to you.
Satan will try to dissuade you. From the very beginning, he has been putting his lies into the minds of God's people. He said to Eve, "Did God REALLY say...?" Our answer is YES! God has really said such-and-such, and I believe Him!
If you've been waiting for God to keep a promise He has given you, don't fall short! Don't be impatient! Your faith is being tested. Does God keep His word, or is He a liar? His word is always true. Hold fast to it and don't give up!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Kingdom Administration
So it is in the kingdoms of darkness and of light. Spiritual authority flows from the being with highest authority and is delegated to lower beings. Scripture refers to the "dominion" of darkness. A "dominion" denotes a chain of command. While we live on this earth, we are living in the dominion of the prince of darkness. Satan is the legal ruler of this dark kingdom.
However, Jesus broke Satan's lawful hold on us, and He did so in a "legal" fashion. We have been set free from the dominion of darkness. We are now part of God's hierarchy and are in training to rule and reign in the kingdom to come.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Submission: Following His Voice
God's concept of submission is much different from the way we as human beings define it. Often people think of submission as oppressive. But Jesus is not oppressive or demanding of the Church. He doesn't treat His people like slaves, but as brothers. He gives them authority over spiritual things.
One thing to keep in mind is that we are living in enemy occupied territory. God can see the territory all around you. He knows what is coming your way. He knows how to escape the troubles that might be heading toward you. Submission to God, then, is to follow His voice, His guidance, knowing that He is leading you in safe paths.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
What Would Jesus Do?
[Jesus said] “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.”
At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”
“No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”
(John 8:3-11)
What a wonderful story! When the people wanted to condemn a sinful woman, what did Jesus do? He did not condemn her!
How often we as a church heap condemnation on those who fall in sin. What would Jesus do? Let's take His example from this story and do likewise.
For example, don't go spreading gossip about someone's failures. Instead, go to that person and minister to him. Care for him and show him the love of Jesus.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Be Filled with the Spirit
The Bible says to "be filled with the Spirit" (Ephesians 5:18). If you don't fill your empty places with God's Spirit, the bad will return, only it'll be twice as bad.
“When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first." (Matthew 12:43-45)
Let's be filled with the Spirit!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Be Careful How You Live
"Be very careful, then, how you live." (Ephesians 5:15)
We are living in a day where it's easy to slip up and not be careful how we live, as Christians. Because of this, all kinds of deceptions have entered the Church. The devil has been doing battle against the Church for thousands of years. He has lots of experience.
You might have been a Christian for 20 years or more and so you think you're ready for the battle. You're not. Your 20 years don't stack up against the devil's 1000+ years.
Paul's admonition in Ephesians 5 to be careful how you live follows with these words:
"Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. ... Be filled with the Spirit." (v. 17,18)
You know what it looks like when someone is filled with a negative emotion, like rage or remorse. Let's show the world what it looks like when we're filled with the Spirit!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
"An organized movement aimed at the overthrow of a constituted government through subversion and armed conflict."
An insurgency:
- sows disorder
- intimidates the population
- weakens the government
- kills or immobilizes leaders
- degrades or neuters security forces
The problem is that Satan is planning an insurgency to overthrow the kingdom of light. That insurgency will take place in your soul if you give it a foothold. Satan wants to sow disorder, weaken the government of the kingdom of light within you...in short, his goal is to overthrow the kingdom of light.
In John 3:19, we read: "Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil."
General Petraeus' strategy to rid the area of insurgents is to "root them out." We need to root out the things of darkness that try to make inroads into our spirits. Those things were part of our former lives when we lived in the kingdom of darkness. If we open the door even just a little bit to those things, it becomes an entry place for Satan. He will have a foothold from which to launch his assault against the kingdom of light within you.
Only in Christ do we have the ability to fight the forces of darkness. In 1 John 2:16-17, we read:
"For everything in the world--the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does--does not come from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever."
Stay close to Jesus, do God's will, and the kingdom of light will prevail!
Prayer Requests
- Continue praying for Ricky Cappadona, who is still recovering from surgery after cancer complications. He still has to go through reconstructive surgery.
- Continue praying for Cassandra Ethridge who is using her grandchildren when she doesn't get her way (keeping them out of church).
- Pray for Michael Wright, to be shaken to realize he needs God in his life.
- Pray for Mark to return to the way of the Lord and bring his young daughter to church.
- Pray for Paul Brookshire, that God would comfort him in his time of grief.
- Pray for Steve and Theresa, to grow stronger and closer to God together.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
The Prodigal & His Brother
He spoke on the parable of the Prodigal Son.
The Older Brother
Many have made comparisons with this story to their individual lives, but this story can also be applied to the Church. As an "older brother" to new Christians, the Church should be careful not to fall into the attitude held by the older brother in the story. When he heard the celebration over the return of his brother, he pouted and refused to go in. Yet the Father came to him and reminded him that he already possesses everything that the Father owns.
We, as "older brothers," ought to remember that all the Father (God) owns has been given to us. Do not begrudge the Father's celebration over a son who was lost and has returned. Remember that God loves everyone the same.
The Prodigal
An important point to take from this story is that the Father's love is not dependent on our performance. The younger son had taken his inheritance and spent it on prostitutes and high living. Yet the Father never gave up on him and kept waiting for his return.
In Luke 15:20 we read, "But while he [the son] was still a long way off, his father saw him..." We can presume that if the father could see the son while the son was still a long way off, the father must have been waiting and watching for him.
If you feel as though you are a long way off from God, remember that He is waiting and watching for you. He will not turn you away when you come to Him. He will welcome you with open arms and a great celebration.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for Karen Herrara over the death of a five-year-old boy, Isaac, who was like a grandson to her.
- Debbie Prewitt asks for prayer for a former coworker who committed suicide, leaving several children behind.
- Pray for Charity Romondo, a single elderly lady who is in the hospital and has no family.
- Randy Harris has suffered a second stroke.
- Jackie has experienced deaths in the family.
- Trevor tried to commit suicide.
- Debbie Prewitt's neighbor Deanna may have to have surgery on her legs.
- Pray for Cassandra and Michael (unspoken request)
Sunday, July 12, 2009
When you think about it, that's an awful tall order. Imitate God? Who can do that? But as we come to God with a broken and contrite heart, recognizing that we can't do it on our own, He gives us all we need to accomplish it.
The biggest thing you need is the desire. You must hunger and thirst to be more like God.
Remember that you control what you love. Let your love be led by righteousness and truthfulness. When you hunger and thirst to be more like God, you will be satisfied.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Darkness vs. Light
8-10You groped your way through that murk once, but no longer. You're out in the open now. The bright light of Christ makes your way plain. So no more stumbling around. Get on with it! The good, the right, the true—these are the actions appropriate for daylight hours. Figure out what will please Christ, and then do it.
Darkness and light...there's nothing farther apart from each other. You once were darkness, but now you're light. Only the cross of Christ can make that change in you.
Once you decide to step in the light, don't think that's the end of your old life trying to creep in. Change is a process. You need to make many decisions each and every day for Christ. This is how you bring yourself under God's governance.
Being a child of light isn't about being "good." First and foremost, it's about pursuing the Lord. "Seek first the Kingdom of God." That's what it's all about.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Congratulations, Steve & Theresa!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
- The canoe trip was a great success! Everyone had a great time of fun and fellowship together. Thanks to Jason and Susan and everyone else who helped plan this and put it together.
- Our Sunday School fellowship day was another great success. We'll plan to do this on a regular basis, every few months.
- COMING UP: FOURTH OF JULY. We've all been invited to Richard and Amy's house on the Fourth of July. Bring a dish to pass and your own chair, and some fireworks if you want. Richard and Amie will provide the barbecue.
Imitators of God, part 2
This is an incredible command, when you think about it. We are to forgive others in the same way that Christ has forgiven us. In Matthew 6:14-15, we read Jesus' own words about forgiveness: "If you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."
Sometimes you might be deeply hurt or wronged by others and it's hard to forgive. In those times, you need to allow the Holy Spirit to work in your heart and get you to a place where you can find forgiveness. There's a deep cleansing that takes place in your own soul when that happens.
Are you struggling with forgiving someone? Allow the Holy Spirit in. Let Him touch that part of you.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Float Trip!
See previous postings for information. Nancy will be calling everyone who signed up to give them exact details about meeting time, etc.
Imitators of God
One way that we show God's character is by loving the lost the way God loves them. At Praise Assembly, we have a great ministry to the lost. One attendee commented that a different church refused to let him get on the church bus, but here at Praise, he found other people just like him.
That's what it's all about! Reaching those who are truly down and out, not just "playing church." When Jesus walked this earth, He hung out with sinners, not the righteous. If we are to imitate Him, that's what we should be doing!
We are like lighthouses, shining God's light in the darkness. The light in a lighthouse must be kept clean so it shines bright and clear at all times, even though it may never see the ships it helps. In the same way, you may never know whose lives you affect by your witness, by the way you shine God's light.
Keep shining bright and clear! That's one way to be an imitator of God.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Fellowship Day
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Next week's class will be fully devoted to fellowship. Bring snacks, if you wish.
JUNE 6: Float Trip!
If you want to go, be sure to sign up with Sue and Bill Hickman. A deposit of $5 is needed by May 22 to reserve your canoe.
Prayer Requests
- Keep Doug in your prayers. His 90-year-old mother is in critical condition. Nancy is taking him to the Tulsa airport for a flight to Montana later today.
- Continue to pray for Brent's mother Charlotte.
- Art's dad moved to a nursing home, which seemed to cause him to lose coherency. Keep him in your prayers.
- Amy asks for God's guidance through changes in her household.
Real Life
Before we came to Christ, we were dead in sins...but God...
This is what the Scriptures say. If not for God, we still would be dead in sin. The "but God" part is what separates what we once were from what we are now. It's all God's doing.
While you were dead in sin, you probably thought you were living. But what was that like compared to the life you now live? Now you know what real life is like.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Bring your own lunch, drinks, and snacks. Keep your things in a plastic garbage bag or other waterproof item to help them stay dry.
Be sure to take care of your own trash while on the river and during any stops.
We will caravan to the river from church, if you don't know how to get there.
Doug's Testimonies
There is a dynamite, born-again, Pentecostal body of believers there. Many came from a Christian "tradition," meaning their parents, and their parents' parents, etc., were Christian. These people are on the bottom of the pecking order in Pakistan. They like to work with Americans, and one of them was Doug's driver, Philip. The believers face persecution but they praise God.
Doug had the opportunity to share Christ with some of the locals, and also with an American atheist who was working with him.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
We'll be joining Redemption Ministries for a Float Trip down the Niangua River. If you plan on going, let either Nancy Thomas or Jason Waln know.
- Cost: $36 per canoe (2 adults, 1 child max per canoe). The money will be due two weeks before the trip.
- Bring a lunch.
- Keep all personal items in waterproof containers.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Come to Give
However, it's the people who come to church to give, not just receive, who are missed when they are absent.
Church is a place for each member to minister to others. Those who come only to receive, and who don't notify anyone when they need someone to call on them, are less likely to be missed. There are those in church who do care and do want to help, but they aren't always aware of the situation.
Evaluate your own habits. Are you a giver or a receiver?
If you notice anyone who is absent, take the time to give them a call. It might take a little effort to find their number, but your effort will be appreciated.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for Norma, who has cancer.
- Theresa Cappadona had neck surgery this week.
- Theresa's father has Alzheimers.
- Sharon Macklin had a bout with high blood pressure.
- Jerry's father Harold is dying.
- Pam's neighbor Kayli has a blood disorder, but doctors aren't yet sure what it is.
- Miho will be giving birth soon to her second child. She and her firstborn are alone while her husband is serving on a ship in the area where pirate activity has been in the news.
- Brent needs a job.
- James D. asks God for more self-control over anger.
- James B. is going through a divorce. He's living in a halfway house after being released from prison. Keep him in your prayers. He also needs a job.
- Jan's great nephew died in a house fire last week.
Praise Reports
- Doug will be returning home next week Sunday night. We're all anxious to have him back teaching class. Many thanks to Nancy for her excellent job filling in while he is absent.
- Harvey Macklin has returned home safely from his tour of duty as a Navy chaplain.
- Lisa Adams is thankful for their new pickup truck--the old one was leaking like a sieve.
- Allen has returned to work following a 3-week medical leave for an injured knee.
- Karen Herrara is back from Mongolia and had some interesting stories to tell of God's working over there.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
"Did God Really Say...?"
The first lie recorded in the Bible, told by Satan to Eve, began with the words, "Did God really say...?" We as Christians occasionally fall to this lie in different forms. For example, when you doubt whether God cares for you, you are doubting what God has said in His Word.
When it comes to the creation issue, many Christians fall to this lie, not believing the straightforward truth God wrote in the first several chapters of Genesis. For the past hundred years or more, secular scientists (unbelievers) have been forwarding the cause of evolution. Unfortunately, many Christians have chosen to believe their claims, giving them almost equal footing with God's Word. The subsequent "Christian" theories of creation that have been formulated are nothing more than trying to make God's Word conform to the words of fallen, unregenerated mankind. Theories like Theistic Evolution, the Gap Theory, and the Day/Age Theory all fall short of accepting God at His Word. It's like asking the question, "Did God really say....?"
What God really said in the very first words of the Bible is that He created the heavens, the earth, and all that is in them in six days. The context of the word "day" clearly indicates that the days were literal, 24-hour days. The additions of the word "evening and morning," along with a number (first, second, etc.), cause the Hebrew word "yom" to be interpreted as an ordinary day. This is how the word is handled in every other place that it is found in the Bible.
In Exodus 20, when God gave the Ten Commandments, the same language is used as in Genesis. Beginning at verse 8, God says, "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.... For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day."
These words were written by God's finger on tablets of stone, using the same language structure as in Genesis. If the Genesis days were not literal days, then this verse makes no sense.
Does it matter what a person believes about the days of Genesis? What a person believes about the origins of the world becomes a crucial point when you look at Romans 5:12-21 and 1 Corinthians 15:21-22. In these passages, the Apostle Paul bases his argument for our redemption through Christ on the fact that sin, and subsequently death, came into the world through Adam.
If any form of evolution were true, be it Theistic Evolution, the Gap Theory, or the Day/Age Theory, then there had to have been millions of years of death before Adam was created. That means that death is not the punishment for sin, for it would have existed before Adam sinned. And if death is not the punishment for sin, then Paul's argument for life in Christ has no merit.
"For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive." (1 Corinthians 15:21-22)
Death came through a man (Adam). Life comes through Jesus Christ.
Praise Reports
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Angry at Sin
“In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need." (NIV)
This little verse is often used all on its own, but its proper meaning is best taken in context. The entire passage is talking about how we should live worthy of the calling. How we should emulate Christ, who emulates God.
Other versions state it this way:
"Be angry and sin not. Do not let the sun go down on your anger."
The second version is actually a better translation of the text. The meaning is that we should be angry at sin...so angry that we don't do it. "Don't let the sun go down on your anger" means not to let your anger toward sin come to an end.
It's important to differentiate: We are to be angry at sin but not at the sinner. Hate the sin and love the sinner. That is the character of God--holy, righteous, hater of sin--that we are to emulate.
In Luke 11:24 we read the passage about how an evil spirit left a man, then returned to find the "house" swept clean and put in order. So the spirit brought seven more demons worse than himself to live in the man.
Being "swept clean and in order" doesn't necessarily mean the man had turned to God. If he had, his "house" would have been filled with the Holy Spirit. As it was, the demon returned to find the house cleaned up but still empty. This is what happens if you don't fill your life with God, with His Word, and allow the Holy Spirit to take control. If you try to straighten up your own life without Jesus, you're bound to fail again.
Satan is constantly trying to bring you down. He doesn't look for a gaping hole in your life...he looks for the little cracks that you might not notice. He'll find the tiniest point at which to enter your life.
According to Ephesians 4:27, we are to not let the sun go down on our anger (against sin) so that we don't "give the devil a foothold."
Keep the Word of God active in your life. Remember that when Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness, He used the Word of God as His weapon. Without God's Word, you can't stand strong. So keep the Word of God active and don't give the devil a foothold!
But if you are angry at sin and don't let the sun go down on that anger, you won't let the devil take a foothold.
Prayer Requests
- Charlie and Heather ask for prayer for Heather, who is battling to get her two daughters back. Their father Kenny doesn't care about the girls; he just likes to have control over Heather. Keep Kenny in your prayers as well.
- Pray that Norma gets back with the Lord.
- Amee's son's aunt is dying of cancer.
- Theresa's brother Ricky died in the hospital following surgery. The doctors haven't yet figured out why.
- Pray for Karen in Mongolia as she does medical missions work. She has some problems with her legs, making it hard for her to get around.
- Robin's brother David is having open-heart surgery. This is a new procedure that will be televised nationwide. Pray it goes well.
- Pray for Mike and Lisa Rogers, who give their all for Recovery Ministries.
- Jeff's mother Jean has had repeated strokes.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Message from Scott Jordan
Scott said, "I know what it's like to have cravings. I fall all the time. We need to stay in the Word. It'll keep you strong. And we have a room full of brothers and sisters here who will lift you up in prayer.
Blessings to you, Scott, and thanks for sharing!
Prayer Requests
- Continue to remember Doug in prayer as he is in Pakistan. He also asks us to pray for Saad, a Pakistani who said he wants to "find the one true God." He asked Doug for a Bible and said, "There's something different about you and Philip (the only other American there)." Doug told him to read Jesus' words and pray, and then Jesus will show him the one true God.
- Karen is in Mongolia again, as a medical missionary. Keep her in your prayers.
- Joe and Vanessa need salvation.
- Pray for the Rehwinkle family. Hank passed away last Friday. The funeral is Tuesday.
- Faye Beaver lost her husband this week.
- Pray for Lisa's husband's (JJ) family. His mother is on life support and the family is considering pulling the plug. Also pray for JJ. He's a Christian, but he's had bad experiences at church. He needs to give Praise a try.
- Bill Hickman and the Arnold family will be returning from the funeral in Georgia soon.
- Josh's family needs deliverance from drug addiction.
- Vanessa is going to Mexico for spring break. Also, she's been messing with drugs a bit. Pray for her safety.
- Jeff needs healing and deliverance from addictions.
- Shawna needs salvation and deliverance from drugs.
- Sandra needs prayer for sobriety and that she would learn to lean on God.
- Tasha is considering suicide. Pray that she looks to God instead.
- Shelby's oldest daughter needs to find a true relationship with God.
Praise Reports
- Navy chaplain Harvey Macklin will be returning home on April 9.
- Ruth praises God for recovery from pneumonia.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
What does it mean to "walk"? To "walk" is to put one foot in front of the other and hopefully not fall down. It also means to have a plan or a way of life. To walk with Christ is to follow His plan and way of life.
In Ephesians 4:17 through 5:21, we learn that we should no longer walk the way we did before we were believers. That means putting off things that grieve the Spirit, such as anger, wrath, bitterness, etc. There should be no corrupting talk among us; only that which builds up and gives grace.
Remember, the Holy Spirit is our "paraclete," or one who walks beside us. Wherever you go, God is walking beside you. He guides you and picks you up when you fall.
In Acts 4, Peter and John were being grilled by the Jewish authorities because of the work they had been doing--preaching and healing. The authorities figured these men weren't too smart but only simple fishermen. But then the Scripture says, "When they saw the courage of Peter and John...they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus."
Make your walk one where people will say of you, "That person has been with Jesus."
Prayer Requests
- Rodney is going in for heart surgery this week.
- Dean and Carol Arnold's daughter died. This is the second daughter they've lost.
- Lisa Adams's stepmother is on a respirator.
- Pray for Roger's wife and stepdaughter.
- Ronnie asks for prayer for Joe and Vanessa, who are in a lifestyle of drugs.
- Theresa's brother Ricky has cancer and will be having yet another surgery later this week.
- Debbie's son Adam got in a fight with another inmate. He is turning to Jesus but needs prayer.
Praise Reports
- Amie shared how great the Lord is and that He truly restores what the locust has eaten. She's been on an adventure to find all her kids, and yesterday her 17-year-old son called her. He said, "I'm a Christian too, and I know the Lord wants me to forgive you, so I forgive you." Now Aimee's found all her children but one, who was adopted out while she and her husband were in jail.
- Tim and Casey bought a house that needed a lot of work, and God brought someone into their lives who is able to help them.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
A Lie Wrapped in Disguise
The first thing Paul tells us to put off is falsehood, or lying. Lies come from the devil, who is the father of all lies. In fact, Satan told the very first lie in the Garden of Eden. His lie began with the words, "Did God really say...?" (Genesis 3:1)
How often do you feel like God doesn't really care about you or your needs, or that He won't or can't do something for you? This is much like Satan's lie. We're saying to ourselves, "Did God really say that He loves me? Or that He'll meet my needs?"
It's an insult to God to call Him a liar. And that's just what you're doing when you don't believe the Word He has spoken to you.
Lying is a characteristic of the old man, the old self that we are to put off. We are to live in truth. Don't live according to the old sinful nature. Put off lying...to others, to yourself, and to God.
Prayer Requests
- We're so glad to have Nancy back! While staying with her mother, she was able to share her faith with an uncle, two aunts, and her mother. Pray for these relatives, that they will learn what it really means to be a Christian.
- Doug is doing well in Pakistan. Keep praying for him. He's training 30 police officers there and has had opportunity to share the Lord on occasion. There's another American working with him who confesses atheism, and yet he's asked Doug several questions. Doug believes God may have sent him all the way to Pakistan just to minister to this American.
- Pray for Sharon Macklin's Navy grandson, Joshua Hinck. He's on the USS Boxer and has a co-sailor named Nelson who broke his ankle. Nelson had to be flown back to San Diego for surgery. Pray for Nelson's salvation as well as healing.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Pot Luck Lunch followed by board games and snacks.
Bring enough food for yourself and family, and extra to share.
Bring snacks, drinks, and board games.
Children are invited, so bring games for them as well.
We'll provide paper goods and ice.
Saturday, April 4, 2:00 p.m.:
Plan to remain after the movie for discussion.
Orchard Park Theatre, 2601 N. Cresthaven Ave. (Near I-44 and West Bypass, just north off Kearney.)
You can bring your own snacks and drinks into the theater. Big Momma's Cafe is in the same building, so if you want, you can arrive early and enjoy lunch. Click here to see a menu:
Saturday, June 6
Float Trip on the Niangua River
We'll be joining Redemption Ministries for this event. Should be a very fun day! Details to follow.
In Christ
When we become Christians, we step out of our old life and into a whole new experience with Christ. God's purpose for us is to grow until we come to the full measure of Christ.
In the process, sometimes we take a step or two backwards. At those times, do you wonder whether you're still in the grace of God? Just keep in mind that the new circle you've stepped into--the circle of God's grace--is a big one. We don't know where the boundaries are...only God does.
In Ephesians 4:17, Paul talks about the reality of life--what it means to really live as children of light. He "insists in the Lord" that we no longer live like unbelievers who are given over to sensuality and impurity and continue to lust for more. Paul says this kind of lifestyle is futile.
The world often calls Christians stupid, but they are the ones whose thinking is futile. People increasingly call evil good, and good evil. We are to expect this kind of behavior more and more as we near the time of Jesus' return. Continue to live within God's circle of grace!
Prayer Requests
- Keep Doug in your prayers as he works and ministers in Pakistan.
- Keep Nancy in your prayers as she travels back home from Florida.
- Lisa Adam's neighbor has swelling in her face and other parts of her body. She's seeing the doctor Monday.
- Ricky Cappadona has complications following cancer treatment. Also pray that he seeks the Lord.
- Pray that Theresa's sons Michael and Mark come to the Lord.
- Louise Myers has problems with her heart. She needs faith and healing.
- Pray that Theresa finds God's will in her life.
- James asks that we pray for God to get ahold of him and helps him to keep control of his tongue.
- Bret's mom Charlotte is having surgery on Wednesday.
- Scott's sons and ex-wife were in a car accident. The older son, Chance (10 years old), has a bruised brain and experiences lots of pain. He is making progress, though.
- Amanda asks for prayer that she will let go and let God. She also asks for prayer for her children and ex-husband.
- Jerry is having surgery on both knees.
- Joshua's family is lost in drug addiction.
- Jim Dearman has a viral infection in his middle ear.
The following is Merlyn's sister, Jeannice's son's wife Kari Mowrey. The last I had heard she believed in 'New Age'. Her husband is Nazarene so if there is a chance pray for her Salvation first. Thanks for your prayers.
Sharon and Merlyn Macklin
Also, our grandson, Joshua Hinck, wife, Miho and grandson, Andrew, has a neighbor, Richard Miller, who is a sailor as well. He has cancer on his ankle and is undergoing more surgeries and Kemo now. His Japanese wife, Shoko, is Budahist but he is not anything if I understand right. They need salvation, too as well as healing. His daughter is Elaina 11 years old and son, Tony 7 years old. They live in San Diego, CA next door to Miho, Joshua and Andy Hinck.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
More Like Christ
At the outset of Ephesians, Paul states who he is--an apostle of God. He states who he's writing to--the Ephesians, who had come out of their pagan life and into life in Christ.
The culture we live in today is becoming increasingly pagan (a state of being apart from God). In other words, today's culture is much like the one Paul dealt with.
Our lives were once pagan in that we were without Christ. Now in Christ we become increasing like Him. He has given us gifts to help us reach that goal. These are the gifts we've been talking about: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.
When you come to Christ, it's like coming in from the cold, into a warm house with a fire. You don't want to stand in the open doorway...you need to come all the way in, shut the door, and enjoy the warmth. Once you're in Christ, don't stand on the edge. Come all the way in, which means becoming more and more like Him every day.
Prayer Requests
- Keep Doug in your prayers as he works and ministers in Pakistan.
- Keep Nancy in your prayers as she visits her mother in Florida.
- Pray for baby Michael, who was born early.
- Pray for Charlotte, who'll be having surgery.
- Pray for Louise, who has heart trouble.
- Pray for salvation for Jennifer.
Praise Reports
- We praise God that Randy is back in class. He had a stroke and was in the hospital for four days. Now he has most of his motor functions back. He thanks everyone for their prayers.
- Also...Randy's getting married Saturday! Come and help them celebrate.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
God's Spirit
Those who don't rely on God's Spirit to guide them ten to rely on law instead...on a list of do's and don'ts. In doing so, it's easy to feel like you're falling short of where God wants you to be. Remember that all you need is to rely on God's Spirit to get you through.
Throughout your Christian walk, you'll find that you don't make just one decision for Christ...you make 10,000 decisions. You decide everyday who you will obey; who you will follow.
Life in Christ may not always be easy, but life without Christ wasn't either either, was it? The difference is that now we have God's Spirit to come alongside us, be with us, and help us through.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for Mary's workmate Steve, who has bladder cancer.
- Pray for Randy's friend Liam, who needs salvation.
Praise Reports
- Theresa got fired, but she praises God. As she was wondering how she'll meet her needs, she filed her taxes and got the refund back in only five days. Praise God!
- Hank Rehwinkle is making good progress after heart surgery.
- Charlie and Heather got engaged. Best wishes!
- Richard led a coworker to Christ last Friday.
Brent Darr
I was saved at the age of 7. I have been a faithful part of Praise (formerly Eastside) since 1973. I went through the Royal Rangers program, and I participated in BGMC, giving the most money for 4 years straight and earning 4 plaques.
I have seen Praise grow, beginning with Albert Pyle, my first pastor, then Robert Smith, then Billy Burns, and now Pastor Fent. I remember in 1981, riding in a police escort from Eastside to this new location, where the sanctuary was in what is now the Sky Room. Later I got to see the new sanctuary built. Along with others, I got to write my favorite Scripture verse under the carpet by the platform. Pastor Burris buried a Bible so he was literally standing on the Word.
Praise Assembly has blessed me and my family for many years.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Sunday, March 15: pot luck dinner after service.
Saturday, April 4, 2:00-4:00 p.m.: Movie time! We'll be watching the movie "Expelled," and discussing it afterward. More information to follow.
The Grand Orchestration
This brings a question: Who is to do the work? We do! Jesus has determined that the way to build His Church is to have leadership with those gifts so that we can all grow in unity and do the works of service.
This might sound like an oxymoron, but there is diversity in unity. Think of it--the hand is quite different from the ear, yet both are part of the same body, working together in unity. We all shouldn't try to look alike or do the same things. There is diversity within the unity of Christ's body.
It's like a symphony orchestra. The violin is not like the French horn. One shouldn't take the music for the French horn and try to make the violinist play it. Each plays his own unique part, and all works together to create a beautiful symphony under the leadership of the conductor.
Christ is our conductor. He knows the musical score and how it should sound. Only by following Him will our lives meld into the grand orchestration God has written.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for Nancy as she is gone through February and March visiting her mother.
- Pray for Doug as he ministers in Pakistan
- Pray for the Greene County jail. God's Spirit is working there, but there is opposition. Satan is working overtime as there are people there who practice witchcraft.
Theresa Cappadona & Steve Myers
Even as a kid, I remember being depressed. When I was 12, I started doing drugs and drinking. I didn't stop until I was 45 years old. At that time, I went to the addiction center and AA. I became clean, but I was still depressed and suicidal. I couldn't even hold my head up.
Then I turned my life over to God. I raised my head and started living. I felt like a newborn baby. Until then I knew nothing about love, joy, or happiness. About six months later I went to Praise Assembly, and I never looked back.
One night I asked God if He willed for me to have a companion. For the next two weeks, it seemed that everywhere I went, Theresa was there.
Theresa's Story:
I knew God as a child, but as a teenager and young adult I put Him on the back burner. In 1997 I had a spiritual awakening and was filled with the Spirit, but it grew with weeds and was strangled. In 2004 I felt God calling to my heart, so I started seeking Him from church to church. I finally found Praise Assembly in June 2007. When I walked in, I knew I was home.
I still had so much to learn. I started reading the Word and obeying it. My heart was changing--I no longer wanted to do things that didn't please my Lord. I started spending more and more time at church.
If it were God's will, I was ready to live the rest of my life like Paul--single and for the Lord. Then God revealed in a dream that I would have a God-loving man in my life. God even showed me the man's face. I saw that man at church. We were in Sunday school together. He was quiet and shy, and so I never said anything.
Then in October of 2008, that man approached me and asked if I wanted to hang out together and get to know each other better. I said yes.
Steve and I will be obedient unto the Lord and wait, and perhaps one day, if it is the Lord's will, we will marry.
I love my Lord and praise Him with all my heart and soul, and give thanks every day for my salvation.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Intertwined with God
In Colossians 2:19 we see see that unhealthy growth comes from one who has lost connection with the Head (Jesus). The whole body grows from the head, supported and held together by ligaments and sinews, growing as God causes it to grow. Without that connection to the head, the body dies.
Despite tremendous advances, scientists still don't know all there is to know about the human body. God has create our bodies in great detail. Then He tells us, as Christians, to be united as the body is united.
Just as the muscles, sinews, and ligaments are all intertwined, so we are intertwined with each other and with God. Your relationship to other Christians is vital to your spiritual growth. You yourself are a vital part of the body.
God will use you to touch someone. Who will that someone be? Will you be ready and willing when the time comes? Stay connected to Jesus, the Head, and keep your relationship with others strong and vibrant.
Praise Reports
Merlyn & Sharon Macklin
Sunday, January 11, 2009
No Longer Infants
An infant is a very needy person, demanding, making mistakes, and doing its own thing. A young Christian can be quite the same. A young Christian can also be easily swayed toward wrong doctrine. That's why it's so important to be well grounded in truth... the truth that is found in God's Word.
In Hebrews 3:4 and Psalm 127:1, we see that every house is built by someone. You must make the choice as to who your "someone" is. Who is building the house of your life? If it's not God, you're wasting your time.
In 1 Corinthians 3:10-15, we are warned to be careful how we build, for it will be tested with fire. Above all, make sure your foundation is Jesus. As you build your life, others will try to tear it down. If you're secure on the foundation Jesus has laid, you will be able to stand.
So grab ahold of God's Word and stay there. You are responsible for your own walk--your spiritual building. When you stand before judgment, you will answer for yourself. Make sure you are building...growing...on the right foundation and in the right direction.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for Doug, who is ministering overseas. Pray for his safety and that many would be open to spiritual discussions.
- Jessica asks that you pray for favor with the court allowing her to move in with her mom and kids. Also pray for David to find a home plan and favor at P & P hearing.
- Theresa asks you to pray for Ricky Cappadona. He's going through seizures following his chemotherapy and still has to deal with the mutilation of his urinary tract as a result of radiation.
- Theresa needs a car to get to Branson and back every day for work. Pray that God provides a car and also for spiritual strength.
- Theresa also asks that you pray for her sons Mark and Michael.
- Pray for Hank Rehwinkle, who is recovering from heart surgery.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Gifts from God
But then the direction seems to change. Paul begins a list of job titles: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers (v. 11-12). What is this all about? In context we see that God, the ruling Monarch of the universe, wants to give gifts to people. This is a list of the gifts He has given.
When we think of gifts, we might not think of these particular things. But God gives these gifts for a reason: to prepare God's people for works of service, to build up the body of Christ until we all reach that unity that Paul spoke of in the early verses of the chapter.
Some say that these gifts are no longer in place; that God gave the gifts as the Church was being birthed. The gifts were specifically for that transition period and are no longer needed. After all, we don't see any apostles around, do we?
Others believe, as we do, that God has not taken back His gifts. We still have evangelists; we still have pastors and teachers. What about prophets? A prophet was a person called to speak forth the words of God as God spoke them. We might not see this as frequently as in the days of the Early Church, but we do see these people from time to time.
What about apostles? Are there any apostles in these modern times? The Greek translation of the word is "one who is sent or called." We believe the ministry of an apostle is alive and well, especially in the work of missionaries. Missionaries are those who have been "called" to take God's Word to remote places of the earth.
God's gifts to the Church are still at work today. God has a different form of leadership than we might expect. His ways are not man's ways. God doesn't take a poll or a vote. The Church is not a democratic institute. We must follow what God says to us in the manner He directs. Don't plan what you want to do and then hope that God shows up. Find out what His plans are and then you show up.
For next week, do some study on these four ministries: apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor-teacher. Also take a look at 1 Corinthians 12.
Prayer Requests
- Lamar asks for prayer that his life would change into the life the Lord wants him to have. Also pray that he gets at his p.o. problem.
- Pray that Crystal's job would allow her to get back in church on Sundays.
- John Cavanaugh asks that you would please pray for God's provision and protection from the enemy as they begin a new career.
- Jessica asks you to pray for her to get a job, pray for her family, and pray for David to have a home plan.