
Isn't it true that all of us are "Walking It Out" day by day with the Lord? We are in this journey together—perhaps in different stages and circumstances, but certainly not alone. Let us help each other by lifting one another up and being encouraged to continue on this marvelous journey. In the end, this journey will lead us to the face of God.

"Walking It Out" is a Sunday school class offered at Praise Assembly in Springfield, Missouri, and taught by Doug and Nancy Thomas. We are glad you came to visit us here at this site and hope that you find something helpful in your own faith as you are "Walking It Out."

Sunday, February 22, 2009

More Like Christ

We welcome Don Corbin to the class as he teaches while Doug and Nancy are away. Don and his wife were pastors and missionaries in Africa "for enough years to make our hair gray," he says.

At the outset of Ephesians, Paul states who he is--an apostle of God. He states who he's writing to--the Ephesians, who had come out of their pagan life and into life in Christ.

The culture we live in today is becoming increasingly pagan (a state of being apart from God). In other words, today's culture is much like the one Paul dealt with.

Our lives were once pagan in that we were without Christ. Now in Christ we become increasing like Him. He has given us gifts to help us reach that goal. These are the gifts we've been talking about: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.

When you come to Christ, it's like coming in from the cold, into a warm house with a fire. You don't want to stand in the open doorway...you need to come all the way in, shut the door, and enjoy the warmth. Once you're in Christ, don't stand on the edge. Come all the way in, which means becoming more and more like Him every day.

Prayer Requests

"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." (James 5:16)

  • Keep Doug in your prayers as he works and ministers in Pakistan.
  • Keep Nancy in your prayers as she visits her mother in Florida.
  • Pray for baby Michael, who was born early.
  • Pray for Charlotte, who'll be having surgery.
  • Pray for Louise, who has heart trouble.
  • Pray for salvation for Jennifer.

Praise Reports

"By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name." (Hebrews 13:15)

  • We praise God that Randy is back in class. He had a stroke and was in the hospital for four days. Now he has most of his motor functions back. He thanks everyone for their prayers.
  • Also...Randy's getting married Saturday! Come and help them celebrate.